Dr. Frazer and her crew always makes our family feel welcome. They are a great team.

- Angelica H.

Submit a Great Review on Yahoo in 8 Steps!

1. To write a review in Yahoo local you should have a Yahoo mail account. If you do not have a Yahoo! Mail account register a new account here: Click Here.

2. Sign in with your Yahoo email address to write a review

3. Enter the link to Yahoo! Local in the browser:

4. Select Write a Review just below the business overview:

5. Look for the pop up window shown below:

6. Please rate us on a scale of 1 to 5 stars and jot down a review about your experience with us.

7. Writing a Review
An honest, unbiased review from you is very much appreciated. Make sure you mention the following in the review:
•The service you obtained (i.e.: Teeth Whitening)
• Mention the business name (i.e. Rea Dental)
• Mention the city/geographic location of the business (i.e.: Longview, TX)

8. Click on "Post Reviews" and you are all done. Thanks for your time!